Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1S Kitāb Kāmil al-ṣināʻah al-ṭibbīyah al-maʻrūf bi-al-Malakī / / كتاب كامل الصناعة الطبية المعروف بالملكي
Kitāb Kāmil al-ṣināʻah al-ṭibbīyah al-maʻrūf bi-al-Malakī /كتاب كامل الصناعة الطبية المعروف بالملكي
- Majūsī, ʻAlī ibn al-ʻAbbās, active 10th century-11th century
مجوسي، علي بن العباس
Call number
Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1S(Princeton, Princeton University, Princeton University Library)
Alternate identifiers
- bibid: 4859213
Princeton UniversityOrigin
- Date
- 1190
- Place
Treatise on medicine (complete copy).
- Ms. codex.
- Title from rubric (fol. 1b).
- Opening rubric: كتاب كامل الصناعة الطبية المعروف بالملكي تاليف علي بن العباس تلميد ابي ماهر موسي ابن سيار للملك عضد الدولة(؟) رحمة الله عليه
- Incipit: المقالة الاولى و هي كه [25] بابا الباب الاول في صدر الكتاب الباب الثاني ... الباب الاول في صدر الكتاب قال علي ابن عباس ان احق ما ابتدي به في جميع الامور
- Explicit: مثقال مع شيء من شراب العسل نافع ان شاء الله تعالى
- 31 long lines per page. Very dense copy written in small naskh using black ink, with headings in red (maqāmah headings in larger script using black ink); collation notes in violet ink and black ink in juzʼ 1 (fol. 149a, on the margin, using the same violet ink: "بلغت المقابلة بحمد اللة ومنه في صفر سنة 588"); in black ink in juzʼ 2 (violet ink on fol. 231a). Glazed paper with visible laid lines and single vertical chain lines (irregular, 180 to 250 mm., often curved); frame-ruled (12 mm.). Catchword only on fol. 87b. The pages have been trimmed so that parts of the marginalia are cut off. Some pages are repaired (loss of text and marginalia on fol. 353 a-b). Two foliations: one in black ink using Arabic numerals and one in pencil using Western numerals. Excellent condition except for a few holes. Fol. 234 and 235 are glued together ; fol. 83 is a modern addition replacing a missing leaf.
- Each maqālah begins with a table of contents using abjad.
- Copied from a faulty copy ("min nuskhah saqīmah") by Barakāt ibn Thābit(?) ibn Ḥamd(?) ibn Barakāt ibn Bakār(?) in Ḥarrān during the first ten days of Dhū al-Qaʻdah 586 (colophon).
- 1. fol. 1a : Title page.
- 2. fol. 1b-149a : juzʼ 1 (10 maqālah).
- 3. fol. 149a-353b : juzʼ 2 (10 maqālah).
356 leaves : 295 x 215 (225 x 160) mm. bound to 350 x 250 mmSupport
- Maggs;
- Ownership statements and seals on fol. 1a (4 inscriptions and 4 seals) and 353b (2 inscriptions and 1 seal). Some of the inscriptions link this copy to Iran.
Subjects topical
- Medicine, Arab
- Manuscripts, Arabic--New Jersey--Princeton
- Manuscripts, Arabic--12th century
- Manuscripts, Arabic--Turkey--Harran--12th century
- Text
- These images and the content of Princeton University Library Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1S: Kitāb Kāmil al-ṣināʻah al-ṭibbīyah al-maʻrūf bi-al-Malakī / are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Princeton University Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Princeton University Library Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 1S: Kitāb Kāmil al-ṣināʻah al-ṭibbīyah al-maʻrūf bi-al-Malakī /. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- image 9 — Title Page
- image 10 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 1
- image 42 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 2
- image 66 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 3
- image 93 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 4
- image 109 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 5
- image 153 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 6
- image 178 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 7
- image 205 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 8
- image 224 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 9
- image 277 — [Juzʾ 1]: Maqālah 10
- image 305 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 1
- image 366 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 2
- image 416 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 3
- image 443 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 4
- image 469 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 5
- image 514 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 6
- image 530 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 7
- image 584 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 8
- image 611 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 9
- image 654 — Juzʾ 2: Maqālah 10
- image 714 — Colophon
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Section: Colophon