MS V.a.102 Latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1455.
Latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1455.Authors
- Dati, Agostino, 1420-1478, author.
- Valla, Lorenzo, 1407-1457, attributed name.
Other related names
- Butler, Charles, 1821-1910, former owner., former owner
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, former owner., former owner
- Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), 1851-1934, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Henry Clay, 1857-1930, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Emily C. J. (Emily Clara Jordan), 1858-1936, former owner., former owner
Call number
MS V.a.102(Washington DC, USA, Folger Shakespeare Library)
Alternate identifiers
Folger Shakespeare LibraryLanguage
Text was copied by Cristoforo Schioppo of Verona, and probably produced in Italy, near the end of the 15th century; ca. 1455
- Place
Contains Elegantiolae, Dati's popular manual on the grammar and style of Latin, attributed in manuscript to Lorenzo Valla; a section of text from Orosius's Histories against the Pagans; and a short treatise on punctuation.
- Leaf 29 is blank
- Title supplied by cataloger from title page (leaf 2r).
- Contents of work written on second front endleaf: Laurentii Valla Elegantiarum linguae Latinae liber / Orosius de situ regionum / De punctandi genere.
- Uniform Title: [Elegantiolae]
Leaves ii (paper) + 44 + i (paper);; 230 x 145 mmCollation
1 (2), 2-5 (10), 6 (2)Signatures
Verso of last leaves of signatures 2-4 marked A-C.Support
Bound in diced Russia calfskin leather by R.P. Chilliat, ca. 1810, with gold tooling including the spine and turn-ins; with marbled endpapers and gilt edges.Layout
Title page has a marble edifice, with the inscription: Laurentii Vallae viri clarissimi latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium (leaf 2r); Coat of arms of the Schioppo family of Verona, with two putti (leaf 3r); Blue, red, green and gold major initials on leaves 3r and 30r; Alternating blue and red initials throughout 2nd work.
- Formerly owned by Phillipps; Charles Butler (bookplate); and W.T. Smedley (bookplate). Purchased as part of the Smedley Collection in 1924 by Henry Clay Folger.
Related resources
- Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, SM.6
- The printing press as an agent of change. Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. Cambridge [Eng.] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1997, c1979, p. 52.
- Warner, Chris. "Quick Eloquence in the Late Renaissance: Agostino Dati's Elegantiolae." Humanistica Lovaniensia: The Neo-Latin Journal, v. 61 (2012).
Subjects topical
- Rhetoric --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Latin language --Punctuation --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Latin language --Terms and phrases --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Geography, Ancient --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Italy --Description and travel --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Italy --Verona
- Schioppo, Cristoforo, of Verona, scribe
- Chilliat, R. P. active early 19th-century, binder
- Manuscripts, Latin --Italy --Verona --15th century
- Annotations (Provenance)
- Coats of arms
- Treatise
- 15th century
- Italian
- Italy
- Geography
- Grammar
- History
- Text
- These images and the content of Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.a.102: Latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1455. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Folger Shakespeare Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.a.102: Latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1455.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Contents of work written on second front endleaf: Laurentii Valla Elegantiarum linguae Latinae liber / Orosius de situ regionum / De punctandi genere.
- fol. 3r — Elegantiolae; incipit: Elegantiarum compendium clarissimi Laurentii Vallae.; explicit: ... studia complectere, et quae indies assequere ad excecitationi accommoda. Finis. (f. 28r)
- fol. 30r — Orosius's Histories against the Pagans [section]; incipit: Quoniam regionum situm scientiam hec ad intelligendas hystorias utile est descriptiones eas ponere duxi ...; explicit: ... dicitur Narbonensis, pares media Lugdunensis. Finis. (f. 41v)
- fol. 41v — A short treatise on punctuation.; incipit: Positivia diffinit Isodorus esse figuram ad distinguendo sensus per cola, comata, et periodos ...; explicit: ... sursum versus dexteria ut notetur ad huic pendere vocabulum ad silabam quae sequitur. Finis. (f. 43r)
- fol. 43v — Notes
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, W.T. Smedley
- Inside front cover — Book label, From the Collection of Charles Butler
- fol. 2r — Title page has a marble edifice, with the inscription: Laurentii Vallae viri clarissimi latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium
- fol. 3r — Coat of arms of the Schioppo family of Verona, with two putti
- fol. 3r — Blue, red, green and gold 4-line initial C
- fol. 30r — Blue, red, green and gold 3-line initial Q

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Decoration: Bookplate, W.T. Smedley
Decoration: Book label, From the Collection of Charles Butler

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Section: Contents of work written on second front endleaf: Laurentii Valla Elegantiarum linguae Latinae liber / Orosius de situ regionum / De punctandi genere.

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Decoration: Title page has a marble edifice, with the inscription: Laurentii Vallae viri clarissimi latinae linguae elegantiarum compendium

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Section: Elegantiolae
Decoration: Coat of arms of the Schioppo family of Verona, with two putti
Decoration: Blue, red, green and gold 4-line initial C

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Section: Orosius's Histories against the Pagans [section]
Decoration: Blue, red, green and gold 3-line initial Q

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Section: A short treatise on punctuation.

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Section: Notes

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