MS V.a.83 De arte amandi manuscript, ca. 1400? / Ovidius.
De arte amandi manuscript, ca. 1400? / Ovidius.Authors
- Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D., author.
Other related names
- Vannis, Paulus de, former owner., former owner
- Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), 1851-1934, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Henry Clay, 1857-1930, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Emily C. J. (Emily Clara Jordan), 1858-1936, former owner., former owner
- Mostyn, Lord, former owner., former owner
Call number
MS V.a.83(Washington DC, USA, Folger Shakespeare Library)
Alternate identifiers
Folger Shakespeare LibraryLanguage
Italy, late 14th century (de Ricci); ca. 1400?
- Place
Contains Ovid's Ars amatoria, preceded by introductory notes.
- Title from opening rubric (leaf 3r).
Leaves 51; 240 x 175 mmFoliation
Bound in late 17th-century calf with gold tooled spine; printed waste.Layout
Decorated zoomorphic initial (pelican with a fish) on leaf 3r; Penwork initials in red and gold on leaves 3r to 34v.
- Formerly owned by Paulus de Vannis; Lord Mostyn; and W.T. Smedley (bookplate); Purchased as part of the Smedley Collection in 1924 by Henry Clay Folger.
Related resources
- Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, SM.4
Subjects topical
- Feudalism --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Birds, depicted
- Italy
- Manuscripts, Latin --Italy --14th century
- Poems
- Drawings
- Annotations (Provenance)
- Manicules (Provenance)
- Printed waste (Binding)
- 14th century
- Italian
- Italy
- History
- Literature -- Prose
- Grammar
- History
- Text
- These images and the content of Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.a.83: De arte amandi manuscript, ca. 1400? / Ovidius. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Folger Shakespeare Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.a.83: De arte amandi manuscript, ca. 1400? / Ovidius.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Introduction
- fol. 3r — De arte amandi (Book One); incipit: [rubr.] Incipit Ouidius de arte amandi. [text] Siquis in hoc artem populo non nouit amandi ...; explicit: ... Hic teneat nostras anchora iacta rates. [f. 19r]
- fol. 19r — De arte amandi (Book Two); incipit: Dicite yo pean et yo bis dicite Paen ...; explicit: ... Vos eritis chartae proxima cura mee. [f. 34v]
- fol. 34v — De arte amandi (Book Three); incipit: Arma dedi Danais in Amazonas arma supersunt ...; explicit: ... Inscribant spoliis Naso magister erat. Pagina Nasonis hec artem monstrat amoris. [f. 51v]

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Decoration: Decorated zoomorphic initial (pelican with a fish)

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