MS V.a.84 Appollogeticus ... etc. manuscript, 1504.
Appollogeticus ... etc. manuscript, 1504.Authors
- Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint, author.
Other related names
- Urswick, Christopher, 1448?-1522, former owner., former owner
- Mellerius, John, active 1674, former owner., former owner
- Makernes, Thomas, active 1674, former owner., former owner
- Palmer, Ralph, 1712-1755, former owner., former owner
- Verney, Ralph Verney, Earl, 1714-1791, former owner., former owner
- Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), 1851-1934, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Henry Clay, 1857-1930, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Emily C. J. (Emily Clara Jordan), 1858-1936, former owner., former owner
Call number
MS V.a.84(Washington DC, USA, Folger Shakespeare Library)
Alternate identifiers
Folger Shakespeare LibraryLanguage
Written in London, 1504, by Peter Meghen of Bois-le-Duc, Brabant, for Christopher Urswick, dean of Windsor and King Henry the VII's almoner; 1504
- Place
Contains Gregory's apology for his unworthiness for ordination to the priesthood, with a preface by its translator, Rufinus of Aquila; two Lenten sermon fragments by Maximus the Confessor; and Ambrose's letter to Irenaeus.
- In Latin, with some works translated from Greek.
- For a bibliographical description of this manuscript see The book collector, 24, no. 1 (Spring 1975).
Leaves iv (paper) + 70 ([4], 66) + iii (paper); 210 x 140 mmFoliation
Bound in 18th-century brown calf with gold tooling, rebacked in 20th century. Earlier English red morocco covers with narrow dentelle used as pastedowns; former marble endpapers bound as endleaves.Layout
Gold and red illuminated initials on leaves [3r], 1r and 63v; coat of arms on leaf [3r].
- Formerly owned by Urswick (coat of arms, motto); given by John Mellerius to Thomas Makernes, 1674; [Ralph] Palmer library, 1747; Verney (bookplate); W.T. Smedley (bookplate); Purchased as part of the Smedley Collection in 1924 by Henry Clay Folger.
Related resources
- Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, SM.7.
Subjects topical
- Apologetics --Early works to 1800 --Manuscripts
- Great Britain --England --London
- Meghen, Pierre, 1466 or 1467-1540, scribe
- Rufinus, of Aquileia, 345-410
- Maximus, of Turin, Saint, active 4th-5th century
- Irenaeus, Saint, Bishop of Lyon, recipient
- Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397, correspondent
- Manuscripts, Latin --England --London --16th century
- Annotations (Provenance)
- Manicules (Provenance)
- Sermons
- Theology
- 16th century
- England
- English
- Collection of Sermons
- Text
- These images and the content of Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.a.84: Appollogeticus ... etc. manuscript, 1504. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Folger Shakespeare Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.a.84: Appollogeticus ... etc. manuscript, 1504.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Lenten sermon fragment by Maximus the Confessor; incipit: [rubr.] Ex sermone beati Maximi episcopi. Feria sexta in quadragesima. [text] Quia fratres charissimi ieiunantis domini victoriam recensentes triumphum nostre salutis agnovimus ...; explicit: ... ad gaudia celestium promissionum indubitata fidutia et conscientia letiore veniemus. [f. 1v]
- fol. 2r — Lenten sermon fragment by Maximus the Confessor; incipit: [rubr.] Idem Maximus in alio sermone. Sabbato in xl prime ebdomade. [text] Si igitur, fratres, nolumus a diabolo superari, inhereamus ei qui diabolum triumphavit ...; explicit: ... fidutia letioris conscientie et cum tranquillitate temporum transigemus. [f. 2v]
- fol. 2v — Rubric for Gregory's Apology and Preface; incipit: [rubr.] Appologia hec diui Gregorii Nazanzeni scripta est expensis venerabilis viri domini Christophori Vrswyke illustrissimi regis Henrici vii quondam elemosynarii magni.
- fol. 3r — Preface to Gregory's Apology by its translator, Rufinus of Aquila; incipit: [rubr.] Ad Pronianum prologus Rufini de translatione libros Gregorii Nazanzeni episcopi. [text] Proficiscenti mihi ex urbe magnopere iniugebas, fili charissime, ut tibi absens quoque aliquid operis impenderem ...
- fol. 4v — Gregory's apology for his unworthiness for ordination to the priesthood; incipit: [rubr.] Gregorii Nanzanzeni Episcopi beatissimi viri quoque eruditiissimi qui theologus est appellatus et ex greco in latinum translatus. Appollogeticus Liber. [text] Victus sum et fateor me esse superatum. Subiectus sum domino et obsecravi eum ...; explicit: ... ut in templo eius omnes dicamus gloriam, grex simul et pastores, in Christo Jesu domino nostro, cui est gloria in secula seculorum, amen, in misericordiam. [f. 63r]
- fol. 63v — Ambrose's letter to Irenaeus; incipit: [rubr.] Sancti Ambrosii episcopi ad Ireneum: Pythagoricum mandatum commorantes, quo ille discipulos suos communem atque usitatam populo viam ingredi prohibuit, et ut idem a sacerdotibus conseruetur multiplici racione persuadentis epistola. [text] Ambrosius Ireneo: Pythagoricum mandatum in aliquorum scriptis predicari inuenimus ...; explicit: ... Vnde ei dictum legimus: Faciam te in Deum regi Pharaoni. Vale et nos, ut facis, quasi filius dilige! [closing rubr.] Omnipotenti Deo, Christi fere virgini Marie, toti celorum exerci tui, sit laus, honor, et gloria quorum adiutorio conscriptus est presens is libellus sumptibus et expensis reverendissimi domini Christophori Vrswyke decani, arte et industria Petri Meghen, monoculi theutonis Brabantini oppidi Buschiducensis. Anno serenissimi regis Henrici vii nonodecimo annoque Domini 1504. [f. 66v]
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Verney (bookplate)
- Flyleaf 1 verso — W.T. Smedley (bookplate)
- fol. 3r — Gold and red 3-line illuminated initial P
- fol. 3r — Coat of arms
- fol. 1r — Gold and red 4-line illuminated initial V
- fol. 63v — Gold and red 3-line illuminated initial A
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Verney (bookplate)
- Flyleaf 1 verso — W.T. Smedley (bookplate)
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Section: Lenten sermon fragment by Maximus the Confessor
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Section: Preface to Gregory's Apology by its translator, Rufinus of Aquila
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Decoration: Coat of arms
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Section: Gregory's apology for his unworthiness for ordination to the priesthood
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Decoration: Gold and red 4-line illuminated initial V
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Section: Ambrose's letter to Irenaeus
Decoration: Gold and red 3-line illuminated initial A
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Decoration: Verney (bookplate)
Decoration: W.T. Smedley (bookplate)
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