MS V.b.32 Physica ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1300?
Physica ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1300?Other related names
- Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), 1851-1934, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Henry Clay, 1857-1930, former owner., former owner
- Folger, Emily C. J. (Emily Clara Jordan), 1858-1936, former owner., former owner
Call number
MS V.b.32(Washington, DC, USA, Folger Shakespeare Library)
Alternate identifiers
Folger Shakespeare LibraryLanguage
Latin; Ancient Greek (to 1453)Origin
- Place
Contains ten works on natural philosophy (the "libri naturales") by Aristotle, as well as four works falsely attributed to Aristotle: De vegetalibus and De plantis (leaves 126v-141r), De mundo (part of leaves 166r-238v), and De causis (leaves 243r-250v). De plantis is now attributed to Nicolaus of Damascus. Also, appended to Aristotle's Meteors, Book IV (chapters 20ff), is a small, complete treatise by Avicenna on the congealment and concretion of stones (leaves 285v-289v).
- Manuscript on parchment (goatskin).
- Manuscript composite codex.
- Title supplied by cataloger.
- Table of contents written on second fly leaf in contemporary hand: No. 1. Phisica Aristotelis. No. 2. De Anima, lib. 2. No. 3. De Sensu. No. 4. De Memoria, et reminiscentia. No. 5. De Somno, et vigilia. No. 6. De morte, et vita. No.7. De vegetalibus, et plantis. No. 8. De generatione, et corruptione. No. 9. De Coelo, et Mundo. No. 10. De causis. No. 11. De meteoris. No. 12. Translatio metaphisice Aristotelis.
- Foliation (in a medieval hand): Leaves 2-238, 243-293,
[294-359]; leaves 165, 207-208 partially trimmed; leaves 239-242
apparently canceled.
- Uniform title: [Works. Selections. Latin. 1300]
Ii (paper) + 354 + ii (paper); 295 x 230 mmFoliation
1 (10) (wants 1), 2 (10) (wants 1), 3-7 (10), 8 (4) (wants 2), 9-24 (10), 25 (10) (wants 7, 8, 9, 10), 26 (10) (wants 1), 27 (10) (wants 1), 28 (10), 29 (10) (wants 9), 30-32 (10), 33 (12), 34-35 (10), 36 (12), 37 (6)Support
Bound in vellum; Spine title: Fhisica Aristotelis.Layout
Decorated illuminated initials throughout manuscript, typically in red, blue and purple. Historiated initials of lions, humans, griffins, and mermaid images on leaves 215r, 232r, 243r, 256v, 264r, 291r, 289r, 314r, 334v, 338r, 347v, and 355v. Marginal cosmological drawing in red and brown ink on leaf 267r. Marginal drawing of a queen[?] and her subject on leaf 70r and of an animal on leaf 69v scratched out.
- Formerly owned by W.T. Smedley. Purchased as part of the Smedley Collection in 1924 by Henry Clay Folger.
Related resources
- Ricci, S. de. Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, SM.3
Subjects topical
- Aristotle --Spurious and doubtful works --Manuscripts
- Manuscripts, Latin --13th century
- Annotations (Provenance)
- Manicules (Provenance)
- 14th century
- France
- Science
- Philosophy
- Text
- These images and the content of Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.b.32: Physica ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1300? are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Folger Shakespeare Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Folger Shakespeare Library MS V.b.32: Physica ... etc. manuscript, ca. 1300?. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- Flyleaf 2 verso — [Later table of contents]
- fol. 2r — Physica / Aristotelis
- fol. 73r — Liber de anima / Aristotelis
- fol. 101r — Liber de sensu et sensato / Aristotelis
- fol. 110v — Liber de memoria et reminiscentia / [Aristotle]
- fol. 114r — Liber de sompno et uig[i]lia / [Aristotle]
- fol. 124r — Liber de morte et uita / [Aristotle]
- fol. 126v — Liber de uegetabilibus et plantis / [Unknown author and Nicolaus of Damascus]
- fol. 141r — De generatione et corruptione / [Aristotle]
- fol. 166r — Liber de celo et mundo / [Aristotle and unknown author]
- fol. 243r — Liber de causis / [Unknown author]
- fol. 251r — Liber methaurorum / [Aristotle]
- fol. 286r — [De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum] / [Avicenna]
- fol. 290r — Noua translatio Metaphysice / Aristotelis
- Flyleaf 2 verso — [Later table of contents]
- fol. 2r — Zoomorphic initial Q
- fol. 8v — Inhabited initial E, Grotesque
- fol. 23r — Zoomorphic initial S
- fol. 36v — Zoomorphic initial T
- fol. 36v — Diagram, Triangle types
- fol. 42v — Zoomorphic initial S
- fol. 52v — Inhabited letter O, Grotesque
- fol. 57v — Zoo-anthropomorphic initial U
- fol. 69v — Effaced marginal drawing, Animal
- fol. 70r — Effaced marginal drawing, Royal figure and subject?
- fol. 73r — Anthropomorphic initial B
- fol. 81v — Zoo-anthropomorphic initial H
- fol. 94r — Inhabited initial O, Birds
- fol. 97r — Logic diagram
- fol. 101r — Zoo-anthropomorphic initial Q
- fol. 110v — Zoo-anthropomophic initial R
- fol. 114r — Zoo-anthropomorphic initial D
- fol. 124r — Inhabited initial D, Birds
- fol. 126v — Zoo-anthropomorphic initial T
- fol. 133r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 141r — Inhabited initial D, Dogs
- fol. 155v — Inhabited initial D, Dog
- fol. 166r — Zoo-anthropomorphic initial S
- fol. 170r — Geometric diagrams, Arcs and circles
- fol. 171v — Geometric diagram, Circle
- fol. 172r — Geometric diagram, Circle
- fol. 173v — Geometric diagram, Circle
- fol. 174v — Geometric diagram, Lines
- fol. 177r — Geometric diagram, Lines
- fol. 197r — Geometric diagram, Circle
- fol. 215r — Inhabited initial N, Man
- fol. 232r — Inhabited initial V, Grotesque
- fol. 243r — Inhabited initial O, Mermaids
- fol. 251r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 256v — Inhabited initial D, Two men
- fol. 264r — Inhabited initial N, King's head
- fol. 267r — Diagram, The twelve winds
- fol. 274v — Decorated initial Q
- fol. 290r — Decorated initial O
- fol. 298v — Inabited initial D, Ox
- fol. 299v — Historiated initial N, Adam and Eve?
- fol. 305r — Decorated initial E
- fol. 312v — Inhabited initial P, Bird
- fol. 322r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 323v — Decorated initial E
- fol. 332r — Decorated initial E
- fol. 334v — Inhabited initial E, Two animals
- fol. 338r — Inhabited initial U, Animal
- fol. 343r — Inhabited initial D, Grotesque
- fol. 347v — Decorated initial E
- fol. 355v — Decorated initial E
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Section: [Later table of contents]
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Section: Physica / Aristotelis
Decoration: Zoomorphic initial Q
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Decoration: Inhabited initial E, Grotesque
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Decoration: Zoomorphic initial S
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Decoration: Zoomorphic initial T
Decoration: Diagram, Triangle types
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Decoration: Zoomorphic initial S
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Decoration: Inhabited letter O, Grotesque
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Decoration: Zoo-anthropomorphic initial U
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Decoration: Effaced marginal drawing, Animal
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Decoration: Effaced marginal drawing, Royal figure and subject?
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Section: Liber de anima / Aristotelis
Decoration: Anthropomorphic initial B
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Decoration: Zoo-anthropomorphic initial H
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Decoration: Inhabited initial O, Birds
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Decoration: Logic diagram
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Section: Liber de sensu et sensato / Aristotelis
Decoration: Zoo-anthropomorphic initial Q
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Section: Liber de memoria et reminiscentia / [Aristotle]
Decoration: Zoo-anthropomophic initial R
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11782_0230_web.jpg (351.7 KB)
Section: Liber de sompno et uig[i]lia / [Aristotle]
Decoration: Zoo-anthropomorphic initial D
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Section: Liber de morte et uita / [Aristotle]
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Birds
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Section: Liber de uegetabilibus et plantis / [Unknown author and Nicolaus of Damascus]
Decoration: Zoo-anthropomorphic initial T
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Decoration: Decorated initial P
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Section: De generatione et corruptione / [Aristotle]
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Dogs
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Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Dog
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Section: Liber de celo et mundo / [Aristotle and unknown author]
Decoration: Zoo-anthropomorphic initial S
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Decoration: Geometric diagrams, Arcs and circles
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Decoration: Geometric diagram, Circle
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Decoration: Geometric diagram, Circle
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Decoration: Geometric diagram, Circle
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Decoration: Geometric diagram, Lines
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Decoration: Geometric diagram, Lines
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Decoration: Geometric diagram, Circle
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Decoration: Inhabited initial N, Man
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Decoration: Inhabited initial V, Grotesque
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Section: Liber de causis / [Unknown author]
Decoration: Inhabited initial O, Mermaids
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11782_0496_web.jpg (307.5 KB)
Section: Liber methaurorum / [Aristotle]
Decoration: Decorated initial P
11782_0507.tif (147.2 MB)
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Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Two men
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Decoration: Inhabited initial N, King's head
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Decoration: Diagram, The twelve winds
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Decoration: Decorated initial Q
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Section: [De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum] / [Avicenna]
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11782_0574_web.jpg (369.8 KB)
Section: Noua translatio Metaphysice / Aristotelis
Decoration: Decorated initial O
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Decoration: Inabited initial D, Ox
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Decoration: Historiated initial N, Adam and Eve?
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Decoration: Decorated initial E
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Decoration: Inhabited initial P, Bird
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Decoration: Decorated initial P
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Decoration: Decorated initial E
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Decoration: Decorated initial E
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Decoration: Inhabited initial E, Two animals
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Decoration: Inhabited initial U, Animal
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Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Grotesque
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Decoration: Decorated initial E
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Decoration: Decorated initial E
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Section: [Later table of contents]
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