W.743 Koran
KoranOther related names
- Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ ibn ʿUmar (محمد صالح بن عمر); ibn 'Umar states in the colophon (fol. 257b) that he was born in Kūmuljunah (Gümülcine, Komotini in northeastern Greece), resided in the Madrasat Mulāzimlar, in the vicinity of the Baths (Ḥammām Sulaymānīyah in al-Qusṭanṭinīyah [Istanbul]), and was a pupil of Amīn al-Bahjat (Behcet)., scribe
- Robert Fox, former owner
Call number
W.743(Baltimore, Walters Art Museum)
Walters Art MuseumLanguage
- Place
al-Qusṭanṭinīyah (Istanbul), Turkey
This illuminated copy of the Qur'an was written in naskh script in Istanbul (al-Qusṭanṭinīyah) in 1269 AH / 1853 CE by Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ ibn ʿUmar, a pupil of Amīn al-Bahjat (Behcet). According to the colophon (fol. 257b), the manuscript was finished in Ramaḍān 1269 AH / 1853 CE. The scribe states that he was born in Kūmuljunah (Gümülcine, Komotini in northeastern Greece) and resided in the Madrasat Mulāzimlar, in the vicinity of Ḥammām Sulaymānīyah in al-Qusṭanṭinīyah. The manuscript opens with a double-page illuminated frontispiece of Sūrat al-fātiḥah and the beginning of Sūrat al-baqarah. There are two finispieces: a colophon (misbound at fol. 257b) and a final prayer (fol. 305a). Other illuminated elements include chapter headings and verse markers in the form of illuminated disks and rosettes.
- Codex misbound: Colophon on fol. 257b is followed by chapter 43 (Sūrat al-Zukhruf), verse 12, which should follow fol. 245b
- Laid European paper
5.5 cm wide by 10.0 cm high bound to 11.0 cm wide by 16.0 cm highFoliation
The binding is original; Black leather (no flap); Gold-painted borders and a floral design as a centerpieceLayout
Double-page illuminated frontispiece; Illuminated colophon (fol. 257b); Illuminated final prayer (fol. 305a); Verse markers in the form of rosettes and disks; Marginal decorations; Chapter headings in white on a gold background; Reading marks in red
Fol. 257b: Transliteration: wa-bi-Allāh al-tawfīq /1/ katabahu al-faqīr al-ḥaqīr al-muḥtāj ilá raḥmat Rabbih al-Qadīr /2/ aḍʿaf al-khaṭṭāṭin al-maʿrūf bi-Muḥammad Ṣāliḥ bn ʿUmar /3/ mawlidhu maʿrūf fī Diyār al-Rūm bi-madīnat Kūmuljunah wa-maskanuhu /4/ bi-Madrasat Mulāzimlar fī qurb Ḥammām Sulaymānīyah fī al-Qusṭanṭinīyah /5/ wa-huwa min talāmīdh Amīn al-Bahjat wa-kāna taḥrīruhu maʿahu tisʿatan [sic] /6/ ghafara Allāh lahum wa-li-wālidayhim wa-li-man naẓara ilayhi wa-li-al-muʾminīn wa-al-muʾmināt /7/ wa-al-muslimīn wa-al-muslimāt al-aḥyāʾ minhum wa-al-amwāt /8/ bi-raḥmatika yā arḥam al-rāḥimin fī shahr Ramaḍān al-mubārak /9/ fī yawm al-ithnayn sanat tisʿ wa-sittīn wa-miʾatayn wa-alf min al-hijrah /10/ man lahu al-ʿizz wa-al-sharaf Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalá Muḥammad wa-<ā>lih ajmaʿin /11/Provenance
- Walters Art Museum, Gift of Robert L. Fox, 1990.
- Arabic
- Book
- Calligraphy
- Codex
- Illumination
- Islamic
- Koran
- Manuscript
- Ottoman
- Qur'an
- Scripture
- Turkey
- Turkish
- Walters Art Museum
- Contemporary Binding
- Text
- These images and the content of Walters Art Museum W.743: Koran are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, The Walters Art Museum has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Walters Art Museum W.743: Koran. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
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Section: Chapter 1 (Sūrat al-fātiḥah)
Decoration: Full-page illuminated frontispiece
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Section: Chapter 2 (Sūrat al-baqarah)
Decoration: Full-page illuminated frontispiece
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Decoration: Illuminated colophon
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Decoration: Illuminated finispiece inscribed with a prayer to be recited after the last chapter of the Qur'an
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