Philadelphia Museum of Art

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Repository ID: 0031 | Metadata type: TEI

Documents from the Philadelphia Museum of Art



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The data presented on OPenn are intended for aggregators, digital humanists, and scholars who have been directed here to procure high-resolution images and their associated metadata. It is presented in a manner most likely to ensure its long-term digital preservation.

Some of the works from the Philadelphia Museum of Art have facsimiles available online, in a user-friendly format, at:

About the Philadelphia Museum of Art

The Philadelphia Museum of Art houses a world-renowned collection in a landmark building. Highlights of the collection include: the largest and most importnat collection of works by Marcel Duchamp; the greatest collection of sculpture by Constantin Brancusi outside Europe. The finest public collection of Auguste Rodin's sculpture in the United States; superb Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings by Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Edgar Degas; exceptional American painting, sculpture, furniture, silver, and ceramics that reflect Philadelphia's central role in American history; and extraordinary "period rooms" and architectural ensembles from around the world. The museum's landmark building, opened in 1928 at the western end of Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The other buildings that make up its campus include the Perelman Building, the Rodin Museum, and the two great eighteenth-century houses in Fairmount Park, Mount Pleasant and Cedar Grove.

OPenn includes some of the items from the Philadelphia Museum of Art. For more information on all of the collections available at the Philadelphia Museum of Art see:

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Images from the Philadelphia Museum of Art were shot and processed by the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image. In general, The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image follows the NISO standards as articulated in A Framework for Building Good Digital Collections, 3rd Edition:

The following represents specific standards adopted by SCETI in their capture of digital images.

Image specifications

Imaging and processing equipment

Master images are captured at a resolution of at least 600 pixels per inch of the image subject. Once all of the images for a manuscript have been captured they are color-corrected, deskewed, and cropped.

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