Halper 228 Part of a Maḥazor for Rosh ha-Shanah
Part of a Maḥazor for Rosh ha-ShanahCall number
Halper 228(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
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Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
12th century-14th century?
- Place
- Verse endings denoted by a punctus, piyyut endings by a sof pasuḳ; Fol. 1. A. The last eleven verses (ד-נ of the alphabetic acrostic) from a Kallirian Kedushta for Rosh ha-Shanahאז מאז בכל מפעל אצת (Maḥazor le-yamim ha-noraʾim / E.D. Goldschmidt [ed.]. Yerusahlayiam : Ḳoren, 1970, v. 1, , p. 128). Four rhymed verses per strophe. The theme is the ten predestined miracles created at the end of the sixth day, as in Mishnah Avot V 6, followed by the shorthand listing of the elements of the Kedushah. B. The first two verses (א-ב of the alphabetic acrostic), of a Piyyut that starts ארצך שוכן ערבה; Fol. 2. The last two verses of ישועות עצומות תן by Joseph Albaradani. The folio before this one, from the same ms. is in New York, JTSA ENA 2148, 7. There the piyyut starts ישעי ומושיעי אתה בעת צרה under the heading רהט עלי עושה שלום indicating that its place is towards the end of the Kedushta. B. Under the heading פז[מון] אחר ר עלי, recommended to the melody of יודע ועד. Starts יזכור בריתו ראשון ואחרון, 13 verses monorhymed רון-, the acrostic signature reads יעקב אלאעין. The Piyyut is sealed with the verse Pr. IX 11, that ends with the same theme as the previous piyyut: ויוסיפו לך שנות חיים. This continues on fol. 2 of the Cambridge bifolio, with the common supplement to the final blessing of the 'Amidah היום תאמצינו.
- Condition: complete, non-consecutive.
14.6 X 10.3 cmSupport
Material applied: black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Amram.
Subjects topical
- Rosh ha-Shanah , Liturgy , Texts
- Text
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