Ms. Oversize 22 Governmental and commercial documents and correspondence in Ottoman Turkish.
Governmental and commercial documents and correspondence in Ottoman Turkish.Call number
Ms. Oversize 22(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104-6206, University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
University of PennsylvaniaLanguage
Ottoman TurkishOrigin
- Date
- A.H. 1201-1264 (1787-1848)
A collection of Ottoman Turkish bureaucratic and financial documents. They correspond to items 2 through 9 on an accompanying list in English from before 1860. Item 2: a document regarding a school for orphans with seal dated 1201 A.H.; Item 3: document with terms for the establishment of a waqf (foundation endowment); Item 4 recto: a letter regarding the black market (ihtikar), dated 1261 A.H.; Item 4 verso: a petition about concubines and the response to the petition; Item 5: a waqf register and calculations; Item 6: a petition about grave remains; Item 7: the evaluation of a complaint by Kara Yusuf about water distribution; Item 8: a marriage registration certificate, dated 1263 A.H; and Item 9: an order to the officials of the Rumkale and Kilis district to help Omer Aga with the collection of taxes to be collected for 63 years from tribes in two districts in Sivas.
- Ms. leaves.
- Title supplied by cataloger.
- Cataloging assistance provided by Neslihan Mervenur Vural.
- Item 2: [Document regarding a school for orphans] -- Item 3: [Waqf contract terms] -- Item 4 recto: [Letter regarding the black market (ihtikar)] -- Item 4 verso: [Petition about concubines] -- Item 5: [Waqf register and calculations] -- Item 6: [Petition about grave remains] -- Item 7: [Water regulation complaint] -- Item 8: [Marriage certificate] -- Item 9: [Tax collection order].
8 items + variousSupport
Unbound; collection of loose leaves.Layout
Subjects topical
- Waqf
- Turkey--History--Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918--Miscellanea
- Turkey--History--Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918--Sources
- Manuscripts, Turkish
- Manuscripts, 19th century
- Manuscripts (documents)
- Commercial correspondence
- Legal correspondence
- Legal instruments
- Marriage certificates
- Text
- These images and the content of Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Ms. Oversize 22: Governmental and commercial documents and correspondence in Ottoman Turkish. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, University of Pennsylvania Libraries has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Ms. Oversize 22: Governmental and commercial documents and correspondence in Ottoman Turkish.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- Item 2 recto — [Document regarding a school for orphans]
- Item 3 recto — [Waqf contract terms]
- Item 4 recto — [Letter regarding the black market (ihtikar)]
- Item 4 verso — [Petition about concubines]
- Item 5 recto — [Waqf register and calculations]
- Item 6 recto — [Petition about grave remains]
- Item 7 recto — [Marriage certificate]
- Item 8 recto — [Water regulation complaint]
- Item 9 recto — [Tax collection order]
- Note 1 recto — List in English
- Note 2 recto — Re: Item 2
- Note 3 recto — Re: Item 9

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