MS 1083/30 Regiment of princes; Consolation of philosophy
Regiment of princes; Consolation of philosophyAuthors
- Hoccleve, Thomas, 1370?-1450? (
- Boethius, -524 (
Other related names
- Walton, John, ....-1410?, translator (
- Yarnold, Charles, former owner
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, former owner (
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
MS 1083/30(Philadelphia, United States, Rosenbach Museum & Library)
Alternate identifiers
- Phillipps: 1099
- A-Selection-from-our-Shelves...: cat. no. 2
Rosenbach Museum & LibraryLanguage
Middle English (1100-1500)Origin
- Place
This manuscript on paper is an early-fifteenth-century copy of Thomas Hoccleve, De regimine principum in English verse, and John Walton's translation of Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae, in English verse. The colophon for the latter (fol. 177v) is signed by a certain John Tebaud "alias Watyrbeach," who may be identifiable with John Walton himself, and dated to 1410. A marginal portrait of Chaucer is included on fol. 70v.
- Rubric, fol. 1r: Heere begynnyth the Book how pryncys sholden be governyd
- Rubric, fol. 78r: Heere begynnyth Boys of the consolacioun of Philosophie
Ii+177+iii; 276 x 201 mm bound to 288 x 212 mmFoliation
Modern foliation, in pencil, upper rightCollation
1-5 (8), 6 (6), 7-9 (8), 10 (7, +1), 11-21 (8), 22 (10), 23 (2, +1 +2)Signatures
Alphanumerical signatures on lower right recto of the first half of leaves in each gathering, a-k (fols. 1-76); a-n (fols. 77-177)Support
Horizontal catchwords centered in lower margin at folios 8v, 16v, 24v, 32v, 40v, 46v, 54v, 62v, 70v, 85v, 93v, 101v, 109v, 117v, 125v, 133v, 141v, 149v, 157v, 165v, 175vBinding
Eighteenth-century leather cover boards; front and back covers detached; spine crackedLayout
Portrait of Chaucer, a tinted drawing, fol. 70v
Explicit liber Boecii de consolacione philosophie de Latino in Anglicum translatus Anno domini Millesimo CCCC Xo per Capellanum Iohannem Tebaud alias Watyrbeche [fol. 177v]Provenance
- Charles Yarnold (sold 1825); collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, n. 1099, with his stamp on recto of second upper flyleaf; purchased by Rosenbach in 1923
Related resources
- Todd, Henry John, Illustrations of the Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer, Collected from Authentic Documents (London : F.C. & J. Rivington, 1810), p. xxxi.
- Skeat, Walter, The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899), vol. 1, p. lx.
- Schümmer, K., "John Waltons metrische übersetzung der Consolatio philosophiae. untersuchung des handschriftenverhältnisses und probe eines kritischen textes," Bonner Studien zur Englischen Philologie 6 (1914): p. xii.
- The Rosenbach Company, An exhibition of fifteenth century manuscripts and books in honor of the six hundredth anniversary of the birth of Geoffrey Chaucer (New York: The Company, 1940), p. 15.
- Mitchell, Jerome, Thomas Hoccleve: A Study in early fifteenth-century English Poetic (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1968), pp. 113-114.
- Philip H. & A.S.W. Rosenbach Foundation Museum, A Selection from Our Shelves: Books, Manuscripts, and Drawings from the Philip H. & A.S.W. Rosenbach Foundation Museum (Philadelphia: Philip H. & A.S.W. Rosenbach Foundation, 1973), no. 2.
- Seymour, Michael Charles, "Manuscript Portraits of Chaucer and Hoccleve" Burlington Magazine 124 (1982): 621, n. 8 (article pp. 618-623).
- Anderson, David, Sixty bokes olde and newe: manuscripts and early printed books from libraries in and near Philadelphia illustrating Chaucer's sources, his works and their influence (Knoxville: New Chaucer Society, The University of Tennessee, 1986), p. 99.
- Edwards, A.S.G., "The Chaucer Portraits in the Harley and Rosenbach Manuscripts," English Manuscript Studies 4 (1993), pp. 268-71.
- Macham, Tim William, Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts (Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1994), pp. 210-211, n. 49.
- Mooney, Linne, Simon Horobin, and Estelle Stubbs, Late Medieval English Scribes, ISBN 978-0-9557876-6-9, [accessed 2017/07/12]. (
- Kempft, Elizabeth, Performing Manuscript Culture: Poetry, Materiality, and Authorship in Thomas Hoccleve's "Regement of Princes," (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017), pp. 11, 126-137, 151.
- Miscellany
- 15th century
- English
- Gothic
- England
- Literature -- Poetry
- Text
- These images and the content of Rosenbach Museum & Library MS 1083/30: Regiment of princes; Consolation of philosophy are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, The Rosenbach has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Rosenbach Museum & Library MS 1083/30: Regiment of princes; Consolation of philosophy. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Ownership notes
- fol. 1r — Thomas Hoccleve, De Regimine Principum; incipit: MVsyng vp on the restles bisynesse / Which that this world hath ay on honde… [fol. 1r]; explicit: …Of hevenes blysse that is endeles / To which yow brynge thauctour of pees [fol. 77r]
- fol. 77r — Envoy to the De Regimine Principum; incipit: A [sic] lityl book who yaf the hardynesse / Thy wordys to pronounce in the presence… [fol. 77r]; explicit: …To the that al seyst of lovis servence / That knoweth he that no thyng is hid fro. [fol. 77v]
- fol. 77v — Interpellation of missing verses from the De Regimine Principum
- fol. 78r — Beothius, De consolatione philosophiae, trans. John Walton; incipit: INsuffisaunce of kunnyng and of wyt / Defaute of langage and of eloquence… [fol. 78r]; explicit: …Vn to the presence off the Iuge on hye / That al thyng dooth beholde plenerlye [fol. 177v]
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Ownership notes
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Ownership Stamp, Thomas Phillipps
- fol. 16v — Manicule
- fol. 17r — Manicule
- fol. 17v — Manicule
- fol. 22v — Manicule
- fol. 23r — Manicule
- fol. 23v — Manicule
- fol. 24r — Manicule
- fol. 24v — Manicule
- fol. 24v — Manicule
- fol. 26r — Manicule
- fol. 26v — Manicule
- fol. 28v — Manicule
- fol. 28v — Manicule
- fol. 28v — Manicule
- fol. 31r — Manicule
- fol. 44r — Manicule
- fol. 45r — Manicule
- fol. 46r — Manicule
- fol. 46v — Marginal drawings
- fol. 47v — Manicule
- fol. 48r — Manicule
- fol. 48r — Manicule
- fol. 48v — Manicule
- fol. 51r — Manicule
- fol. 52r — Manicule
- fol. 52r — Manicule
- fol. 57r — Manicule
- fol. 58r — Manicule
- fol. 59v — Manicule
- fol. 62v — Manicule
- fol. 65r — Manicule
- fol. 66r — Manicule
- fol. 67r — Manicule
- fol. 68v — Manicule
- fol. 70v — Marginal illustration, Portrait of Chaucer
- fol. 86v — Manicule
- fol. 93r — Manicule
- fol. 130r — Marginal notation
- fol. 143r — Manicule
- fol. 146r — Manicule
- fol. 148v — Manicule
- fol. 166v — Manicule
- fol. 174v — Marginalia
- fol. 177v — Manicule
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Ownership Stamp, Thomas Phillipps

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Section: Thomas Hoccleve, De Regimine Principum

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Decoration: Marginal illustration, Portrait of Chaucer

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Section: Envoy to the De Regimine Principum

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Section: Interpellation of missing verses from the De Regimine Principum

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Section: Beothius, De consolatione philosophiae, trans. John Walton

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Decoration: Marginal notation

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Section: Ownership notes

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Decoration: Ownership Stamp, Thomas Phillipps

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