Rosenbach Museum & Library
Repository ID: 0028 | Metadata type: TEI
Documents from the Rosenbach Museum & Library
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The data presented on OPenn are intended for aggregators, digital humanists, and scholars who have been directed here to procure high-resolution images and their associated metadata. It is presented in a manner most likely to ensure its long-term digital preservation.
About the Rosenbach Museum & Library
The Rosenbach Museum & Library seeks to foster inquiry, learning and creative thought by engaging audiences in programs, exhibitions, and research inspired by our collections of nearly 400,000 rare books, manuscripts, and fine and decorative art objects, including some of the best-known literary and historical objects in the world. In December 2013, the Rosenbach Museum & Library became affiliated with the Free Library of Philadelphia, bringing together two of the world’s preeminent collections of rare books, manuscripts, Americana and art. The combined holdings of the Rosenbach Museum & Library and the Free Library of Philadelphia inspire unique exhibitions and programs throughout the year.
OPenn includes some of the items from the Rosenbach Museum & Library. For more information on all of the special collections available at the Rosenbach Museum & Library see:
Image standards and specifications
Images from the Rosenbach Museum & Library were shot and processed by the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image. In general, The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image follows the NISO standards as articulated in A Framework for Building Good Digital Collections, 3rd Edition:
The following represents specific standards adopted by SCETI in their capture of digital images.
Image specifications
- Archival Masters: 600 ppi 24-bit raw TIFF color image
- "Golden Thread" color target is used for every exposure. Target also includes interference pattern and inch/centimeter markings. Target is also used to check focus.
Imaging and processing equipment
- Cameras: IQ280 80 megapixel Phase One digital camera
- Lenses: Schneider Kreuznach lenses
- Software: Phase One Capture One Pro; Photoshop CS3
Master images are captured at a resolution of at least 600 pixels per inch of the image subject. Once all of the images for a manuscript have been captured they are color-corrected, deskewed, and cropped.
In 2015, SCETI began using IQ280 Phase One digital cameras; however,
OPenn contains images that were captured using different equipment
before this time. If you have questions about a specific manuscript or
image, please refer to the header of the Master image or images in
question or the accompanying XMP files. You can see this, for example,
in the Master images for Penn Manuscript Ms. Codex 1096 at
Note the metadata in the image header of 0396_0000.tif
or in its
sidecar XMP file 0396_0000.tif.xmp
as seen below.
<rdf:Description rdf:about=''
<tiff:Make>Phase One</tiff:Make>
<tiff:Model>P 45+</tiff:Model>
<tiff:Software>Capture One 4 Windows</tiff:Software>
The documents on OPenn
MS 2/3:
Meditationes super Genesim; Novella materia super septem peccatis capitalibus
(Metz, France, Written in the monaster of the Blessed Virgin of the Celestine Order at Metz, France, by Frater Johannes clericus; 15th century)
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MS 1004/29:
(York, England, 1364)
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MS 1057/14:
De infancia salvatoris
(Amiens?, France, 1400-1450)
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MS 1057/29:
Book of Hours, Use of Paris
(Paris or Tours, France, Between 1480 and 1500)
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MS 1083/29:
Confessio amantis
(England, Second quarter of the fifteenth century)
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MS 1083/30:
Regiment of princes; Consolation of philosophy
(England, 1410)
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MS 1084/2:
Canterbury tales
(England, Circa 1440)
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MS 1084/1:
Canterbury tales
(England, 1425-1450)
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MS 1174/14:
Sermones quadragesimales
(Bopfingen, Württemberg, Germany, Written at Bopfingen, Württemberg, by the student Johannes Anhang in 1408, finished on the morrow of the feast of the Apostle Thomas (December 22nd); 1408)
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MS 197/30:
Les regnars traversant les perilleuses voyes des folles fiances du monde
(Ghent?, Low Countries, Circa 1505-1510)
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MS 232/11:
Pronosticque historial de la félicité future de l'an mil cincq cens et douze
(Paris, France, Dedicated by the author to the Queen of France, Anne of Brittany; 1512)
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MS 232/15:
(Northern France, 14th century)
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MS 239/6:
De tartaro et eius origine in corpore humano
(England, 1561-1572)
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MS 239/25:
Ad sacratissimum Britanniae regem Henricum
(Urbino?, Italy, Circa 1508)
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MS 240/15:
Breviary, Cistercian Use
(England, 13th century)
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MS 241/2:
Le pèlerinage de la vie humaine
(Angers?, France, According to the contemporary colophon, fol. 204v, written by order of René of Anjou for Louis Martel, seigneur d'Angierville, his councilor and chamberlain, in 1437; 1437)
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MS 272/17:
Diploma in civil and canon law
(Italy, 1596)
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MS 431/24:
Summa de casibus conscientiae, III-VI
(Southern Germany, 22 August 1452)
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MS 439/16:
Fall of princes
(England, Circa 1465-1475)
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MS 443/21:
L'outré d'amour pour amour morte
(Angers?, France, Circa 1460-1480)
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MS 482/2:
De regimine principum
(Andalusia, Spain, Circa 1500)
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MS 484/11:
Super cantica canticorum
(Italy, 13th century)
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MS 484/13:
Epistolae cum glossis
(France, 12th century)
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MS 484/15:
Commentum super libro Porphyrii Isagoge; De decim predicamentis
(Italy, 11th century)
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MS 484/16:
Concordantiae multorum librorum ad scientiam
(France, 14th century)
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MS 484/18:
Quaestiones in josue, judicum, regum, machabeis
(Bohemia, 12th century)
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MS 484/20:
Compendium logicae
(Padua?, Italy, 15th century)
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MS 484/21:
Dialogorum … libri quatuor de miraculis
(France, 12th century)
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MS 485/8:
Ordo ad recipiendum novicias in monasterio
(Milan or Padua, Italy, Dated 1548)
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MS 485/22:
Volentibus igitur facilem ad musicam habere aggressum
(Germany, Saint Margaret's Day, July 13, 1443)
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