PHS.ThirdPresbyterianChurchPewRentRecords1789-1792 Pew rent records, v. 5, 1789-1796
Pew rent records, v. 5, 1789-1796Authors
- Third Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, Pa.) (
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
PHS.ThirdPresbyterianChurchPewRentRecords1789-1792(Philadelphia, United States, Presbyterian Historical Society)
Alternate identifiers
- local-identifier: V MI46 P4p v. 5
Presbyterian Historical SocietyLanguage
- Place
United States
The practice of renting pews was common in 19th century churches; members paid a fee for the right to occupy a particular pew every week. This bound manuscript is a record of pew rents paid to Third Presbyterian from 1789 to 1796. The first several pages have been written on upside down, and read in reverse order chronologically. The next 44 pages consist of individual entries, right side up, of pew rent paid, recorded by date and name. Then entries start over at the back of the volume, written upside down, and thus proceeding backwards chronologically. These entries are listed by pew number and name, and span two pages across. Pages have been numbered accordingly.
195 pages;Support
PaperRelated resources
- Philadelphia Congregations Early Records Project (
- ATLA Digital Library (
Subjects topical
- Church finance
- Pews and pew rights
- Church records and registers
- Presbyterians
- Presbyterian Church
- Pennsylvania--Philadelphia
- Third Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Account books
- Manuscripts
- 18th century
- Text
- These images and the content of Presbyterian Historical Society PHS.ThirdPresbyterianChurchPewRentRecords1789-1792: Pew rent records, v. 5, 1789-1796 are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Presbyterian Historical Society has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Presbyterian Historical Society PHS.ThirdPresbyterianChurchPewRentRecords1789-1792: Pew rent records, v. 5, 1789-1796. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:

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