MS Or 136 Kitāb al-adʻiyah / [كتاب الادعية]
Kitāb al-adʻiyah[كتاب الادعية]
Other related names
- Ṭūsī, Muḥammad Bāqir ibn Muḥammad Jaʻfar, scribe
طوسي، محمد باقر بن محمد جعفر، - Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944, former owner
Call number
MS Or 136(New York, NY. 10027, Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
Alternate identifiers
Columbia UniversityLanguage
Arabic and PersianOrigin
Copy completed by Ibn Muḥammad Jaʻfar Muḥammad Bāqir al-Sharīf al-Naṣīr al-Ṭūsī (f. 150v); item is undated, perhaps 17th or 18th century.
- Date
- between 1600 and 1799?
Copy of a book on prayer and the times of day; some sections with interlinear translation into Persian in red; the first page has been repaired with the text rewritten. A few pages of the Ziyāratʹnāmah, attributed to Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, are included at the front of the copy.
- Manuscript codex.
- Title supplied by cataloger.
- Customs stamp solar dated 1312/1934 (f. 4r, 150v).
X, 150, iii leaves : 150 x 80 (95 x 40) mm, bound to 155 x 85 x 25 mmSupport
Bound in red leather with blind tooled frame; brown leather doublure.Layout
Illuminated headpiece (f. 4v); floral marginal fill (f. 4v-5r); textblock border-ruled in red and gold; rubrications in red.
- Gift of David Eugene Smith, 1931-1934 (library donation plate, first flyleaf verso at front of book).
- Formerly owned by David Eugene Smith.
Subjects topical
- Islam--Prayers and devotions--Early works to 1800
- Shīʻah--Prayers and devotions--Early works to 1800
- Manuscripts, Arabic--New York (State)--New York
- Manuscripts, Persian--New York (State)--New York
- Codices (bound manuscripts)
- Manuscripts (documents)
- Illuminations (painting)
- Text
- These images and the content of Rare Book and Manuscript Library MS Or 136: Kitāb al-adʻiyah are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Columbia University, Rare Book & Manuscript Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Rare Book and Manuscript Library MS Or 136: Kitāb al-adʻiyah. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:

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Section: Ziyāratʹnāmah

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Section: [Kitāb al-adʻiyah]
Decoration: Illuminated headpiece
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