The Library Company of Philadelphia

The Library Company of Philadelphia

Repository ID: 0012 | Metadata type: TEI

Documents from the Library Company of Philadelphia



Some images from the Library Company of Philadelphia and their content hosted here are ©2015 Library Company of Philadelphia. Specific terms of use vary by document. See individual items for specific terms. Unless otherwise stated, they are licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0):

For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed:


Some manuscript descriptions and other cataloging metadata hosted here are ©2015 Library Company of Philadelphia. Specific terms of use vary by document. See individual items for specific terms. Unless otherwise stated, they are licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution Licensed version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0):

For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed:

Intended Users

The data presented on OPenn is intended for aggregators, digital humanists, and scholars who have been directed here to procure high-resolution images and associated metadata. It is presented in a manner most likely to ensure its long-term digital preservation.

About the Library Company of Philadelphia

The Library Company of Philadelphia is an independent research library specializing in American history and culture from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Open to the public free of charge, the Library Company houses an extensive non-circulating collection of rare books, manuscripts, broadsides, ephemera, prints, photographs, and works of art.

OPenn includes some of the items from the Library Company. For more information on all available collections see:

The documents on OPenn